Sunday, January 25, 2015


Have you ever noticed that the best kept secrets are those that are hidden right in front of you?

Think about it :  The serial killers that went for years undetected were usually the ones that lived seemingly normal day to day, the in depth ponzi schemes that crippled peoples lives, neighbors hiding hostages for years....All have made news headlines, so I think you get the picture.

So, why is it we can't see the secret if the secret is right in front of us?   I mean, if you can see your phone, your car, your clothes , then why not see everything that is in front of you?  
I believe there are several forthright answers:  

1.  We are not accustomed to seeing beyond our small scope. 
 ( Did you "see" the person you passed in the store, the house you drove by, the clerk who helped you...?)
2.  We are kept too busy to look at anything intently.
3.  Those keeping the secret use the disguise of "looking normal".

In essence, our view is limited and the secret is disguised.  The devil also works in this manner to keep God hidden from us, and to keep himself hidden from us.  He limits our view; we get focused on circumstances, problems, and/or feelings, basically anything that keeps us from focusing on our Father.

If that is not enough to keep us from seeing God, he then disguises the truth.  Disguises that may seem innocent and normal - horoscopes, fortune tellers, ghost seekers, ouija boards... Each day that we are alive we are in spiritual battle. A battle that will have eternal consequences.  We are even told how to equip ourselves; helmet of salvation, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the spirit, and the gospel of peace.  

But in order to see something, we must know that it does exist, whether we see it or not.

Gold  has been discovered, treasures found, archaeological items discovered,  cures for diseases made, galaxies viewed,  and inventions patented.  All were secrets that were hidden in front of us, but yet only seen by the few who looked beyond the dirt, mud, and toil.
They could see what others could not see. 

Don't keep God as a best kept secret.  The Great I AM is a treasure you do not want to miss.   All of creation speaks of Him and you can find Him.  Look beyond your scope, go beyond your circumstances, recognize satans disguises.

Be like those who found treasures, galaxies, cures, and inventions.... for here lies the clue:

                             You will seek Me and find Me
                   when you search for Me with all your heart.

                                                                      Jeremiah 29:13                           

                        What do you think ?